curatorial + exhibition design + branding & identity

Sustainable Futures: Co-creating with nature

Curation and design for Hyundai Motor Group & Rhode Island School of Design’s research collaborative exploring the intersections of art, design, science, and nature.

Designed in collaboration with Arvind Bhallamudi (Assistant Curator), Dani Epstein (Production Lead), Leslie Ponce Diaz, Yuheng He (Physical Design), Farida Steit, Harshal Duddalwar (Graphic Design), Shravan Rao (Production Assistant), Brian McNamara (Buildouts), IO Labs & RISD Print Center (Print production), Mark Moscone (Install), Supported by RISD Strategic Partnerships.

The exhibition and its curations traverse boundaries of human senses and our creations - immersing in inspiration, observing the oblique, discovering deeper, fostering foraging and deconstructing the dependencies, as elements in a heterogeneous network of the complex and entangled ecosystems we live in.

Projects on display

From left to right: Jacob Sussman, Danyang Song, Maxwell Fertik

Spatial Planning

Branding & Identity

Behind the scenes